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All Anchor  C-1612BT  TRUSCO
All Anchor  C-1612BT  TRUSCO
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, All Anchor  C-1612BT  TRUSCO

All Anchor C-1612BT TRUSCO

【order ID】7518030
【basic item number】C1612BT
【brand name】TRUSCO
【minimum order quantity】1Pack
【Country of origin】-

Since the construction will be done only by driving the core bar, you can easily check the completion of construction at glance.Because the main body and threaded portion have the same diameter, drilling to concrete is completed with a small diameter.For construction work, civil engineering work, electrical work, machine equipment construction etc.Nominal Designation of Thread:M16Total Length (mm):120Screw Length (mm):40Max Attachment Thickness (mm):40Pilot Hole Diameter (mm):17.0Maximum Tensile Load (kN):29.9Buried Depth (mm):60Packaged in a pack(up to a total length of 80mm)Packaged in a bag(from a total length of 90mm)SteelSurface treatment: Trivalent chromate treatmentThe maximum tensile load is the value at the concrete strength Fc21N/[[MM2]].

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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