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Rubberized Stone Cannon-ball Type(Shank Dia:3mm)  CH806HC  TRUSCO

Rubberized Stone Cannon-ball Type(Shank Dia:3mm) CH806HC TRUSCO

【order ID】8185129
【basic item number】CH806HC
【brand name】TRUSCO
【minimum order quantity】1Pack
【Country of origin】Japan

With the usability of conventional rubber whetstones as is, the whetstone portion has been molded into a bullet shape.Can be used as is with no need for dressing and processing.For detailed work on intricate shapes and edge portions.Grain Size (#):80Shape:ShellOuter Diameter x W x Shaft Diameter x Shaft Length (mm):6 x 17 x 3 x 30Max Working Rotation Speed: 30000rpm

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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