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Corner Pad(for Belt Sling)  CP-100  TRUSCO
Corner Pad(for Belt Sling)  CP-100  TRUSCO
Corner Pad(for Belt Sling)  CP-100  TRUSCO
Corner Pad(for Belt Sling)  CP-100  TRUSCO
Corner Pad(for Belt Sling)  CP-100  TRUSCO
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Corner Pad(for Belt Sling)  CP-100  TRUSCO
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Corner Pad(for Belt Sling)  CP-100  TRUSCO
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Corner Pad(for Belt Sling)  CP-100  TRUSCO
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Corner Pad(for Belt Sling)  CP-100  TRUSCO
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Corner Pad(for Belt Sling)  CP-100  TRUSCO

Corner Pad(for Belt Sling) CP-100 TRUSCO

【order ID】1154257
【basic item number】CP100
【brand name】TRUSCO
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【Country of origin】Japan

Since it is a cylindrical belt, it can pass through.For protecting the belt sling when lifting an square luggage.Compatible Belt Width (mm):100Total Length (mm):400Pad dimension(mm)W x Thickness:128 x 2Type:TubularWhen a load with an edge skids sideways, the effect of the corner pad may be almost eliminated.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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