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Drill Screw(for Interior Finish Work)  FSJ-30  TRUSCO
Drill Screw(for Interior Finish Work)  FSJ-30  TRUSCO
Drill Screw(for Interior Finish Work)  FSJ-30  TRUSCO
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Drill Screw(for Interior Finish Work)  FSJ-30  TRUSCO
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Drill Screw(for Interior Finish Work)  FSJ-30  TRUSCO
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Drill Screw(for Interior Finish Work)  FSJ-30  TRUSCO

Drill Screw(for Interior Finish Work) FSJ-30 TRUSCO

【order ID】1748599
【basic item number】FSJ30
【brand name】TRUSCO
【minimum order quantity】1Pack
【Country of origin】Japan

Grips under the head countersinks the flexible board strongly, fitting well.Suitable for fastening flexible board and iron frames.D:7d x L:3.8 x 30L1:24Nominal Dimension (mm)H:2.5Max Applicable Board Thickness (mm):2.3Aluminum Killed Steel(SWCH18A)Surface Treatment: Unichrome Plated FinishingCan not be used for hard boards such as ceramic boards and hard wood. Please do not use for tools other than flexible boards.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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