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Aramec[[RU]] FU Tube  1512-06  ARAM

Aramec[[RU]] FU Tube 1512-06 ARAM

【order ID】8186716
【basic item number】FU6X9X20M
【brand name】ARAM
【minimum order quantity】1Roll
【manufacturer name】ARAM Corporation
【Country of origin】Japan

3 layer tube that is excellent in flexibility and chemical resistance.The inner layer is fluorine resin(ETFE), the medium layer is polyamide resin(PA), and the outer layer is urethane resin(TPU), which are integrated.Excellent in water repellency and wear resistance is smaller.Inner Diameter x Outer Diameter (mm):6 x 9Min Bend Radius (mm):25Working Pressure (MPa):0.7Total Length (m):20Fluorine resin(ETFE), polyamide resin(PA), and urethane resin(TPU)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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