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LA Cupring HI-LA type(Socket)  G-HI-LA-S-15A  RIKEN

LA Cupring HI-LA type(Socket) G-HI-LA-S-15A RIKEN

【order ID】2829525
【basic item number】GHILAS15A
【brand name】RIKEN
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】RIKEN CORPORATION
【Country of origin】Japan

Pipings for water supply, gas, hot water(excluding coated products)and oil.Nominal Diameter (A):15Nominal Diameter (B):1/2L (mm):78L1 (mm):55E (mm):9With rubber packing and washerWith lock ring(prevents falling out)Japan waterworks association registered productMalleable cast iron(FCMB)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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