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Direct Screw-in type GP Sander Paper[[RU]] (M10XP1.5 with Screw Hole)  GPS-J6-1P  TRUSCO

Direct Screw-in type GP Sander Paper[[RU]] (M10XP1.5 with Screw Hole) GPS-J6-1P TRUSCO

【order ID】7984359
【basic item number】GPSJ61P
【brand name】TRUSCO
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【Country of origin】Japan

For General Metal. As it has elasticity, it can be used as a disc paper (flat surface use) or as a flapwheel (side use). Since the space between the polishing cloths is somewhat open, it can be used up to the end with less clogging.Fits perfectly to the curved surface.Directly Threaded TypeProfessional abrasive which is planted one by one by hand and caulked.By installing, it will be possible to use with a straight-type grinder.Paint removal, polishing before plating. Optimum for polishing stainless steel, iron, alloy, wood, plastic, etc.Alumina AbrasiveWith 6mm shaft adapter (1 piece per box)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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