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Spring Uretane Caster  KTU-200WJ-RS  INOAC

Spring Uretane Caster KTU-200WJ-RS INOAC

【order ID】4835158
【basic item number】KTU200WJRS
【brand name】INOAC
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】INOAC Casters & Wheels CO.,LTD.
【Country of origin】Korea

Spring series to reduce road shock by spring force.Excellent in shock absorption when passing over small unevenness.Optimum for towing use.(daN):392.0Set Load (kgf):400Wheel Diameter D (mm):200Wheel Width (mm):48Mounting Height H (mm):252Mounting Plate A x B (mm):158 x 114Mounting Pitch X x Y (mm):132 to 124 x 86 to 62Mounting Hole Diameter P (mm):12.7Plate TypeFlexible type(with pivot metal fittings)Metal Fitting: SteelWheel: iron casting wheel, urethane

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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