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Tap Holding Socket  P4T-M23  MITOROY

Tap Holding Socket P4T-M23 MITOROY

【order ID】7769610
【basic item number】P4TM23
【brand name】MITOROY
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Mitokogyo Corporation.
【Country of origin】Japan

Screw can be deburred by attaching tap(sold separately).Backlash after tap attachment is unlikely and workability is outstanding.Has a wide range of sizes. Additionally, special sizes can also be available.Square Dimension (mm):14Input Drive (mm):12.7Pipe Taps:M23Total Length (mm):60Main body: Chrome molybdenumSurface Treatment: Black DyePin, ringJIS compliant tap should be used.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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