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Open Tie (Weather resistance / Heat resistance type)  SG-OH200WHD  SG
Open Tie (Weather resistance / Heat resistance type)  SG-OH200WHD  SG
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Open Tie (Weather resistance / Heat resistance type)  SG-OH200WHD  SG
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Open Tie (Weather resistance / Heat resistance type)  SG-OH200WHD  SG

Open Tie (Weather resistance / Heat resistance type) SG-OH200WHD SG

【order ID】8558847
【basic item number】SGOH200WHD
【brand name】SG
【minimum order quantity】1Pack
【manufacturer name】S.G. Industrial Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan

Can easily bind by hooking the spherical tip on the slit-like opening of the head.Suitable for binding in the dark and places where you cannot see your hands well.For binding work in places where you cannot see your hands well.Color:BlackW x L (mm):4.0 x 185Thickness (mm):1.40Max Bundling Diameter (mm):44Tensile Strength (N):196.0For indoor, outdoorWorking temperature range: -40 to 105CPolyamide resin(nylon 66)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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