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Uni Top Disc  TOP100ST4  YANASE

Uni Top Disc TOP100ST4 YANASE

【order ID】7765312
【basic item number】TOP100ST4
【brand name】YANASE
【minimum order quantity】10Sheet
【manufacturer name】YANASE CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】China

Because it is angled and work can be performed using the surface, grinding capacity and speed have both increased.Because it is harder than zirconia abrasive grains and is superior in toughness compared to alumina abrasive grains, it has high grinding capacity and a long life.Compared to offset whetstones, it is quiet with excellent grinding capacity and creates a clean polished surface.Grinding volume has been improved with the taper type that enables grinding of a larger area.Polishing of metal, stone materials, and glass.Grain Size (#):60Outer Diameter x Blade Length x Hole Diameter (mm):100 x 23.5 x 15Max Working Rotation Speed (rpm):13000Blade Number (sheet):60Max Working Peripheral Velocity: 68m/s (4080m/min)Ceramic Abrasive

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