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Die Stamp(High Speed Steel type)  URATANI-UC60E  URATANI

Die Stamp(High Speed Steel type) URATANI-UC60E URATANI

【order ID】2940566
【basic item number】URATANI-UC60E
【brand name】URATANI
【minimum order quantity】1Set
【manufacturer name】Uratani Co., Ltd.
【Country of origin】Indonesia

Numbers and letters from 16 digits(1.5mm)to 6 digits(6.0mm)can be stamped at once.Character alteration can be done with a single touch and it can be done in about 1/10 the required time compared to conventional method.With the same holder, letters of 1.5 to 6.0mm can be stamped.No backlash of characters because the precision of holder stamp is high.Designation:6.0Character Height A (mm):6.0Character Width B (mm):4.0Character Pitch P (mm):5.0Set Contents (piece):26Hardness: HRC60High Speed Steel (SKH-51)A to Z: 1 each, 26 pieces

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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